Naming conventions

Card key




Card type





Information classification


This page describes the naming conventions when developing new Cyberismo solution modules. While you are free to use

General principle: use camelCase

In general, the user-configurable names in Cyberismo content format use the so called camelCase notation, except labels, which use the so-called kebab-case.

Cyberismo modules have a separately configurable name, which is defined in the cardsConfig.json file by convention in camelCase. Similarly by convention, the source code repository of a module is named in kebab-case and it should begin with module-, for example module-my-example.

Other types of Cyberismo configuration do not have separately configurable names, but their name is the file or directory name in which they are declared. Card types, workflows, field types, link types, templates and other basic concepts of the Cyberismo content format are named in camelCase. For example, a securityIssue card type would be defined in a JSON file securityIssue.json

All other types of files in the Cyberismo content format are also named in camelCase. This includes logic program file names that have the file extension .lp, such as riskLevelCalculation.lp.

Do not choose names that differ in their case only, such as example.json and Example.json, because they may be confused as the same file in case-insensitive file systems.

References to configuration

When we refer to these concepts in the configuration, the references always include the module prefix and the type of the concept, for example modulea/templates/decision

Do not include the type of the item in the name. For example, if you need a workflow for decisions, it should be called decision rather than decisionWorkflow. It will be referred to as modulea/workflows/decision.

The following table shows how the main Cyberismo concepts are referred to in Cyberismo modules.

Table 1. Naming of Cyberismo concepts
Concept Example Name



Card type


Field type


Link type




Naming in logic programs

Naming of terms in logic programs follows the same camelCase convention as other naming in the Cyberismo solution. As required by the syntax rules of Answer Set Programming, the names of atoms and constants begin with a lowercase character, and variable names begin with an uppercase character.

If a Cyberismo content module needs to define a new global name, such as a new constant or a new complex term, the name should begin with the module prefix and an underscore.

For example, if a module with the prefix example needs to use a new global logic program term, say mySpecialTerm, then the term should be called example_mySpecialTerm.

Names of Cyberismo concepts in field terms

User-configured field types and built-in fields of cards are used in field terms of logic programs. Consistently with other cases where configuration is referred to, these names are in camelCase.

Table 2. Cyberismo concepts in field terms
Field Name in field terms

Card type


Last modified


Last transitioned




Workflow state


User-configured field



Labels should be used sparingly. Consider using a custom field instead of a label, whenever possible. Labels should be named according to the kebab-case convention.