Security considerations

Card key




Card type





Information classification


This page contains security guidance about the Cyberismo solution. The goal is to help the users and administrations in secure usage of the Cyberismo solution.

Security recommendations when using Cyberismo

  • Keep Cyberismo and its dependencies up to date

  • Familiarise yourself with the known security risks and their recommended mitigations, documented below

  • If you are providing the Cyberismo solution to a group of users, then plan the deployment environment carefully and make sure that the users understand the nature of the solution

Known security risks

Known risk Mitigation

Unauthorised access to a Cyberismo content repository

Cyberismo content is typically managed in software version control. If you store Cyberismo content in software version control, then it is your responsibility to manage the access rights so that only authorised users are granted access to your repositories.

Unauthorised access to a static web site generated with Cyberismo

When you export Cyberismo content as a static web site, you will get a set of HTML pages and web resources. As usual for static web sites, the site includes no form of access control. If you publish the web site to users, then it is your responsibility to arrange suitable access control to prevent unauthorised access.

Injecting malicious or invalid Cyberismo content

As Cyberismo is a security-as-code solution, users will have full access to the plain text representation of the content. A malicious or a careless user may attempt to inject malicious attachments, AsciiDoc markup, or logic programs to a Cyberismo content project. You can mitigate this risk by implementing proper access control to the project repository, conducting change reviews such as pull requests, and using the cyberismo validate command line command to ensure that the content is technically valid.

Data loss because of a corrupt Cyberismo content project

It is recommended to use software version control to store the history of Cyberismo content, and to implement backups of the software version control system. At the moment, using the version history of a software version control system is the only supported mechanism for undoing changes to the content

Sensitive cards are readable by all users of a Cyberismo content project

As Cyberismo is a security-as-code solution, all content of a content project will be readable by anyone who has access to the source code repository. If you need to store sensitive information as Cyberismo content, then you should design the content project structure so that there is a separate content project that is stored in a separate access controlled software version control repository.

Spoofing usernames or user activities

Some cards in a Cyberismo content project may store information about users. As the content can be modified by any user with access to the content, you should check the actual originator of the change from the software version control history instead of trusting the user-provided content only.

Software bill of materials (SBOM)

The Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for the Cyberismo tool is available in GitHub at Cyberismo dependency graph.

How to report vulnerabilities

Technical security support

Commercial technical support is available from the Cyberismo company. Please see the Cyberismo company web site for contact information.