
Card key




Card type





Information classification



A template contains a card or a set of cards in a directory hierarchy that is used as a template for new user content. When the user creates a new card or a set of cards from a template, a new copy of the template card(s) is made with new unique card key(s). Notice that cards in a template may form a deep hierarchy, enabling the definition of complex templates with multiple cards, such as a template for a software project.

Showing available templates

To see a list of the available templates, use the following command:

$ cyberismo show templates

The names of templates are of the format module/templates/template, for example base/templates/decision.

Creating a new template

To see the help for how to create a template, use the following command:

$ cyberismo create template --help

To create a new template, for example myTemplate, use the following command:

$ cyberismo create template myTemplate

Cyberismo will create a new directory called .cards/local/templates/myTemplate/. The directory will contain a file called template.json. If the card prefix of your Cyberismo project is example, then the full name of the new template will be example/templates/myTemplate.

When choosing a name for your template, see Naming conventions.

To finalise the template definition, you need to edit the template.json file with a text editor, and add new cards to the template.

Editing the template.json file

The template.json file contains basic information about the template, which will be shown to the user when the user is creating new cards. The file follows the template schema.

Table 1. The properties of a template.json file
Properties Type Description Required



The technical name of the template




The name of the template as it should be displayed in the user interface. For example, 'Decision'.




A description of the template. For example, 'A decision is a choice between two or more options.'.




The category of the template. For example, 'Decision'.


Adding cards to a template

To see the help for how to add a card to a template, use the following command:

$ cyberismo add --help

A template may contain several cards, which can be arranged in a hierarchy. It is also possible to add several cards on the top level of the template.

To add a new card of the card type example/cardTypes/myCardType on the top level of the template example/templates/myTemplate, use the following command:

$ cyberismo add example/templates/myTemplate example/cardTypes/myCardType

If the template example/templates/myTemplate contains a card with the card key example_d9rj4nab, then you can add a new card of the type base/cardTypes/decision as a child of example_d9rj4nab with the following command:

$ cyberismo add example/templates/myTemplate base/cardTypes/decision example_d9rj4nab

Editing template cards

As the Cyberismo app does not currently support editing the cards of a template, you need to edit the template cards with a text editor. To find out the path to a template, such as example/templates/myTemplate,you can use the following command:

$ cyberismo show template example/templates/myTemplate

Changing the rank of template cards

The rank of cards determines the order in which the cards at the same level of hierarchy will be shown in the Cyberismo app and in exported documentation sites. When users make instances of a template, the instantiated cards will have the same order as the cards in the original template.

To change the rank of a card in a template, use the cyberismo rank command. You can see the help for this command by typing:

$ cyberismo rank --help