Creating a new project

Card key




Card type





Information classification


This tutorial shows how to create a new Cyberismo project with the base module.

Prerequisites: Install Cyberismo.

1. Clone the base module

Execute the following command to clone the base module:

$ git clone

2. Create a project

First, let’s check the command line help for creating a project by executing the following command:

$ cyberismo create project --help
Usage: cards create project [options] <name> <prefix> <path>

Create a project

  name        Name for project.
              Name can contain letters (a-z|A-Z), spaces, underscores or hyphens.
  prefix      Prefix that will be part of each card's card key. Prefix can be 3-10 characters (A-Z)
  path        Path where project is created.
              Note that folder is automatically created.

  -h, --help  display help for command

Create a new project called "Cyberismo tutorial" that has the card key prefix tutorial in the directory cyberismo-tutorial with the following command:

$ cyberismo create project "Cyberismo tutorial" tutorial cyberismo-tutorial

3. Import the base module to your new project

Import the base module to your new project with the following command:

$ cyberismo import module module-base -p cyberismo-tutorial

4. Create a page

The base module includes a page template. To create the first card in the new project, execute the following command:

$ cd cyberismo-tutorial
$ cyberismo create card base/templates/page

5. Start the Cyberismo app

You can view and edit the new project and its first card with the Cyberismo app. To start the app, execute the following command:

$ cyberismo app

Then open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/.